
Stabilization and Waypoint Following Control of Unicycle Robot

(107級 楊文皓)


近年來單輪機器人的研究發展受到產學界高度重視,而單輪機器人系統的路徑追隨更是一個同時具有多重控制挑戰的系統,其必須同時達到路徑追隨控制以及姿態平衡穩定控制之目標。本論文將探討一個能夠同時達成此目標的線性路徑追隨控制器,並與本實驗室過往所研發的二階順滑模態控制器進行交互對照比較。首先吾人以Euler-Lagrange法推導單輪機器人之完整三維空間動態數學模型,再針對此數學模型進行順滑模態控制器以及路徑追隨控制器設計,最後再將此單輪機器人路徑追隨系統進行系統模擬以及實作驗證。本論文中吾人以加速規、陀螺儀及電子羅盤等慣性量測單元(inertial measurement units)來偵測系統姿態,再利用室內定位模組來取得系統之即時位置資訊,最後以數位訊號處理器實現單輪機器人之平衡穩定與路徑追隨控制。由實驗及模擬證明所設計之單輪機器人系統可同時達成路徑追隨與姿態穩定,且具良好之控制效能。
The main objective of this thesis is to design a linear waypoint following controller to achieve both control objectives, stabilization of the unstable body and waypoint following, at the same time. And it is compared with a nonlinear second-order sliding mode controller which was developed by ourselves in the past. The Euler-Lagrange method is used to derive the dynamic model of the system. After that, the system model is used for designing both waypoint following controller and second-order sliding mode controller. Finally, the control system is validated through simulation and experiment studies. In experiments, an indoor GPS module is used to obtain the real-time position of the system. Both controllers are implemented through a digital signal processor. The experimental results shows that the performance of waypoint following controller is better than second-order sliding mode controller in waypoint following control.

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