Engineering Dynamics Labs with SOLIDWORKS Motion 2015

by Huei-Huang Lee


About This Book

This book is designed as a software-based lab book to complement a standard textbook in an Engineering Dynamics course, which is usually taught in junior undergraduate years. 

    There are 11 chapters (230 pages) in this book.  Each chapter consists of 2 sections.  Each section is designed for a student to follow the exact steps in that section and learn a concept or topic of Engineering Dynamics.  Typically, each section takes 15-40 minutes to complete the exercises.

To order the book, please visit SDC Publications or

Chapter 1  Particle Kinematics

(Video 07:18) Sec 1.1  Rectangular Components: Falling Ball

(Video 08:25) Sec 1.2  Radial and Transverse Components

Chapter 2  Particle Dynamics: Force and Acceleration

(Video 10:47) Sec 2.1  Newton’s 2nd Law: Block and Wedge

(Video 07:38) Sec 2.2  Newton’s 2nd Law: Billiard Balls

Chapter 3  Particle Dynamics: Work and Energy

(Video 06:32) Sec 3.1  Principle of Work and Energy: Oscillating Block

(Video 09:27) Sec 3.2  Principle of Minimum Potential Energy

Chapter 4  Particle Dynamics: Impulse and Momentum

(No Video) Sec 4.1  Principle of Impulse and Momentum

(Video 06:47) Sec 4.2  Conservation of Momentum: Impact of Two Balls

Chapter 5  Plane Kinematics

(Video 09:31) Sec 5.1  Crank-Link-Piston Mechanism

(Video 08:06) Sec 5.2  Geneva Mechanism

Chapter 6  Plane Dynamics: Force and Acceleration

(Video 06:25) Sec 6.1  Newton’s 2nd Law: Double Pendulum

(Video 06:08) Sec 6.2  Sliding and Rolling: Bowling Ball

Chapter 7  Plane Dynamics: Work and Energy

(Video 02:09) Sec 7.1  Principle of Work and Energy

(No Video) Sec 7.2  Conservation of Energy: Double Pendulum

Chapter 8  Plane Dynamics: Impulse and Momentum

(No Video) Sec 8.1  Principle of Impulse and Momentum

(Video 03:48) Sec 8.2  Conservation of Momentum: Impact of Ball and Bar

Chapter 9  3D Kinematics

(Video 09:26) Sec 9.1  Disk-Link-Collar Mechanism

(Video 06:58) Sec 9.2  Robot

Chapter 10  3D Dynamics

(No Video) Sec 10.1  Newton’s 2nd Law: Disk-Link-Collar Mechanism

(Video 04:59) Sec 10.2  Unbalanced Shaft

(Video 05:46) Sec 10.3  Spinning Top

Chapter 11  Vibrations

(Video 04:10) Sec 11.1  A Mass-Spring-Damper System

(Video 05:14) Sec 11.2  Eccentric Rotor

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Finished Files

View Demo Videos or Download Finished Files

1. The finished files can be opened with SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later versions.

2. It is suggested that, whenever a file is needed to start up an exercise, you use a file provided here, rather than your own finished file, so that the numerical results would be more consistent with those in the textbook.

3. The finished files of a section are compressed into a single file (.zip).  Please de-compress it before opening from SolidWorks.  When opening an assembly file, if you see a message such as “Unable to locate the file,” simply choose “Browse for file” and relocate the file.

A Free PDF Book by Huei-Huang Lee

Part and Assembly Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2015

This workbook has 121 pages and is an introductory tutorial to geometric modelings using SOLIDWORKS 2015.  It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to parts and assembly modelings.  It is prepared mainly for those students who have no experience in SOLIDWORKS geometric modeling, but want to acquire some.