Mechanics of Materials Labs with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2015

by Huei-Huang Lee


About This Book

This book is designed as a software-based lab book to complement a standard textbook in a Mechanics of Material course, which is usually taught in junior undergraduate years.  This book also can be used as an auxiliary workbook in a CAE or Finite Element Analysis course for undergraduate students.

    There are 14 chapters (278 pages) in this book.  Each chapter is designed as one week's workload, consisting of 2 to 3 sections.  Each section is designed for a student to follow the exact steps in that section and learn a concept or topic of Mechanics of Materials.  Typically, each section takes 15-40 minutes to complete the exercises.

To order the book, please visit SDC Publications or

Chapter 1  Stresses

(Video 05:08) Sec 1.1  Stress Components

(Video 05:40) Sec 1.2  More on Stress Components

(Video 09:48) Sec 1.3  Stresses in a C-Bar

Chapter 2  Displacements

(Video 02:42) Sec 2.1  Displacements in the Cantilever Beam

(Video 01:28) Sec 2.2  Displacements in the C-Bar

Chapter 3  Strains

(Video 04:00) Sec 3.1  Strains in the Cantilever Beam

(Video 02:02) Sec 3.2  Strains in the C-Bar

Chapter 4  Stress-Strain Relations

(Video 03:52) Sec 4.1  Poisson's Effects

(Video 06:14) Sec 4.2  Young's Modulus and Shear Modulus

(No Video) Sec 4.3  Hooke's Law (No video for this section)

Chapter 5  Axial Loading

(Video 05:14) Sec 5.1  Stress Concentration

(Video 06:21) Sec 5.2  Saint-Venant's Principle

(Video 03:02) Sec 5.3  Temperature Effects

Chapter 6  Torsion

(Video 05:09) Sec 6.1  Torsion in a Circular Shaft

(Video 01:40) Sec 6.2  Stresses in Cylindrical Coordinate System

(Video 06:53) Sec 6.3  Shaft and Disk

Chapter 7  Bending

(Video 05:03) Sec 7.1  Pure Bending

(Video 07:39) Sec 7.2  Elastoplastic Bending

Chapter 8  Shear Stresses in Beams

(Video 01:31) Sec 8.1  Shear Formula

(Video 05:05) Sec 8.2  Shear Stresses in a Box Beam

(Video 05:12) Sec 8.3  Shear Centers

Chapter 9  Strain Energy

(Video 01:41) Sec 9.1  Strain Energy and Strain Energy Density

(Video 01:59) Sec 9.2  Strain Energy in the C-Bar

Chapter 10  Failure Criteria

(Video 05:34) Sec 10.1  Mohr's Circle and Stress Extrema

(Video 00:57) Sec 10.2  Principal Stress, Stress Intensity, von Mises Stress

Chapter 11  Trusses and Beams

(Video 09:33) Sec 11.1  Tresses

(Video 07:14) Sec 11.2  Beams

Chapter 12  Plane Problems

(Video 03:26) Sec 12.1  Plane Stress Problems

(Video 06:17) Sec 12.2  Plane Strain Problems

(Video 03:01) Sec 12.3  Axisymmetric Problems

Chapter 13  Plates and Shells

(Video 03:25) Sec 13.1  Channel Beam

(Video 05:23) Sec 13.2  Storage Tank

Chapter 14  Buckling

(Video 04:26) Sec 14.1  Buckling of a Truss Member

(Video 04:45) Sec 14.2  Buckling of an Aluminum Beverage Can

(Finished File 1.1) Cantilever.SLDPRT
(Finished File 1.2) Cantilever.SLDPRT
(Finished File 1.3) CBar.SLDPRT

(Finished File 2.1) Cantilever.SLDPRT
(Finished File 2.2) CBar.SLDPRT

(Finished File 3.1) Cantilever.SLDPRT
(Finished File 3.2) CBar.SLDPRT

(Finished File 4.1) Cube.SLDPRT
(Finished File 4.2) Cube.SLDPRT
(No files for this section)

(Finished File 5.1) Plate.SLDPRT
(Finished File 5.2) Plate.SLDPRT
(Finished File 5.3) Cube.SLDPRT

(Finished File 6.1) CircularShaft.SLDPRT
(Finished File 6.2) CircularShaft.SLDPRT
(Finished File 6.3) DoubleShaft.SLDPRT

(Finished File 7.1) SimpleBeam.SLDPRT
(Finished File 7.2) SimpleBeam.SLDPRT

(Finished File 8.1) Cantilever.SLDPRT
(Finished File 8.2) BoxBeam.SLDPRT
(Finished File 8.3) Channel.SLDPRT

(Finished File 9.1) Cube.SLDPRT
(Finished File 9.2) CBar.SLDPRT

(Finished File 10.1) CBar.SLDPRT
(Finished File 10.2) CBar.SLDPRT

(Finished File 11.1) Truss.SLDPRT
(Finished File 11.2) W360x33.SLDPRT

(Finished File 12.1) Plate.SLDPRT
(Finished File 12.2) Pipe.SLDPRT
(Finished File 12.3) Pipe.SLDPRT

(Finished File 13.1) Channel.SLDPRT
(Finished File 13.2) Tank.SLDPRT

(Finished File 14.1) Member.SLDPRT
(Finished File 14.2) Can.SLDPRT

View Demo Videos or Download Finished Files

1. The finished files can be opened with SOLIDWORKS 2015 or later versions.

2. It is suggested that, whenever a file is needed to start up an exercise, you use a file provided here, rather than your own finished file, so that the numerical results would be more consistent with those in the textbook.

3. To reduce file sizes, the finished files do not include the result files (i.e., CWR files) generated by the finite element solver.  Therefore, before viewing results, make sure SOLIDWORKS Simulation is loaded and issue a Run ALL Studies command to generate the results.

A Free PDF Book by Huei-Huang Lee

Part and Assembly Modeling with SOLIDWORKS 2015

This workbook has 121 pages and is an introductory tutorial to geometric modelings using SOLIDWORKS 2015.  It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to parts and assembly modelings.  It is prepared mainly for those students who have no experience in SOLIDWORKS geometric modeling, but want to acquire some.